Diving into the multiplayer beta of Halo Infinite for the first time can be somewhat overwhelming, but we’ve uncovered several helpful tips that can assist you in becoming a skilled player.

On November 22, 2021, at 9:04 AM Pacific Standard Time.

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The multiplayer beta of Halo Infinite plunges players straight into the action, offering little guidance on its new weapons, gear, or game modes. Upon starting, many aspects of the game may not be clear, including the existence of a tutorial designed to help newcomers. Jumping into multiplayer without preparation can leave you feeling bewildered.

In recent days, we’ve spent considerable time immersed in Halo Infinite, uncovering a wealth of valuable insights regarding its mechanics. These suggestions will enable you to dive into the ringworld with confidence, provide essential strategies for its major game modes, and enhance your effectiveness as a Spartan ally.

Join the Academy

While it might be appealing to dive straight into multiplayer, it’s advisable to first navigate to the “Academy” option on the main menu in Halo Infinite. This section is designed to familiarize you with the game, featuring a brief tutorial. For seasoned Halo players, much of the tutorial may be familiar, but it does showcase some new equipment and offers a brief bot match to experiment with the gameplay.

The “Weapon Drills” feature will be particularly beneficial for most players, as it provides access to a shooting range where you can experiment with all of Infinite’s firearms. I believe this is crucial for significantly shortening your learning curve in the game. It allows you to test each weapon, including the new additions, to understand their functionality, effective range, kill speed, and any alternative firing modes. Gaining a quick understanding of each weapon before entering a multiplayer match will simplify your decision-making in various combat scenarios.

Watch for weapon storage units.

At the beginning of a match, you’ll typically have the MA40 assault rifle and the Sidekick pistol in your arsenal. However, right after the match kicks off, you’ll have the opportunity to discover and replace these weapons with others. Most of the time, you’ll find these firearms mounted on wall racks, and you can easily take them. Keep in mind that once a weapon is taken, it won’t reappear on the rack right away; you’ll need to wait a bit. You can check the wait time using a blue meter displayed at the top of the rack as you get closer.

In Halo Infinite, the more powerful weapons, known as power weapons, will appear at designated locations throughout the map. These spots are typically indicated by yellow icons, which will inform you of the next spawn time. It’s crucial to secure these weapons whenever you can, as having a rocket launcher or Gravity Hammer in the hands of a skilled player can significantly influence the outcome of a match. Therefore, prioritizing control of these weapons is essential.

Choose the Appropriate Grenade for the Task.

Plasma grenades serve as powerful tools for targeting vehicles, whereas Frag grenades excel in engaging enemy troops, and Dynamo grenades inflict sustained damage over a specific area.

Halo Infinite features four distinct types of grenades, and players can typically hold a total of four grenades at a time—two of one kind and two of another. To toggle between the types of grenades you have, simply press the left button on the D-pad if you’re using a controller, or the N key on a keyboard. It’s helpful to remember the locations of each grenade type on the map, so you can collect them when necessary. Maximizing your grenade inventory is crucial, as they can effectively initiate or conclude engagements with opponents.

There are four distinct types of grenades, each suited for specific scenarios, so it’s important to choose the right one based on the situation you anticipate. Fragmentation grenades, the standard option, are effective against personnel, capable of either depleting an enemy’s shield or finishing off an injured foe. However, their blast radius is moderate, and players often manage to survive the explosion, so feel free to use them liberally while engaging in combat. Plasma grenades, characterized by their blue color, have smaller blast effects but are sticky—attach one to an enemy for a certain kill, and they are also effective against vehicles. Dynamo grenades, on the other hand, bounce on the ground, inflicting electrical damage in their vicinity over time, making them ideal for controlling or clearing specific areas. Players lingering nearby for too long can also be eliminated by them, and they can disable vehicles. Lastly, Spike grenades are tailored for inflicting damage in confined spaces. While they deal slightly less damage than fragmentation grenades, they adhere to surfaces and launch spikes that can ricochet off walls, repeatedly striking opponents.

Look for and utilize tools.

Alongside firearms and explosives, you’ll encounter deployable gear scattered throughout the combat zone, identifiable by their yellow-lit plastic containers. This gear includes a grapple hook, deployable cover, a recon sensor that reveals enemy positions, a thruster for a short-range dash, and a repulsor that can deflect objects. These items resemble the armor abilities from previous Halo titles, each designed for specific scenarios. For example, the repulsor can halt vehicles that would otherwise run you over, and it can also push back enemies and grenades that come too close. The deployable cover provides a shield that allows you to shoot through it while blocking incoming fire for a short time, and the dash enables rapid movement in any direction. It’s advisable to experiment with all the gear and ensure you always have something equipped—while the equipment has a limited number of uses, it can be a lifesaver in the right situations.

In addition to power weapons, there are two types of equipment that are equally significant: Active Camo and Overshield. These items are marked on your HUD similarly to power weapons and typically appear in the center of the map. It’s crucial to secure them as soon as they spawn, just like power weapons, as they provide a substantial advantage. The Overshield effectively doubles your shield capacity, making you significantly more difficult to eliminate, although it does not regenerate like your regular shield. Meanwhile, the Active Camo makes you nearly invisible for a short duration. Make sure to collect these items, or at the very least, prevent the opposing team from obtaining them.

Trust Your AI Scanner

Always assess your surroundings whenever you

An often overlooked aspect of Infinite’s multiplayer mode is the AI scanning feature. By pressing the designated button (Z on the keyboard or the down D-pad on the controller), you can emit a scanning pulse that reveals important elements on the map. This AI scan will mark various points of interest on your HUD, such as weapon racks and abandoned vehicles. If you find yourself in need of a weapon and are unsure of its location, the scanner can guide you to the necessary resources. While it won’t indicate the positions of other players (for that, you can utilize the Threat Sensor), it will highlight all other interactive elements, including launch pads.

Reach Out to Support Your Team

Similar to many modern team-oriented first-person shooters, Halo Infinite features a “ping” system, referred to as “Mark” in the controls settings, which allows players to indicate locations or enemies on the HUDs of their teammates. While this system may not be as comprehensive as the one in Apex Legends, it serves as a valuable non-verbal method to communicate the whereabouts of action, the locations of weapons or vehicles that are not needed, or the positions of enemy players. Sharing this information by marking targets can significantly benefit your team, so be sure to disseminate that intelligence. By default, the Mark function is assigned to the X key on the keyboard and the up D-pad on the controller.

Vehicles Will Empower You to Excel

Similar to Power weapons, vehicles play a crucial role in securing victories in Halo Infinite. They provide significant mobility and, in many cases, enhanced firepower. You can utilize vehicles both as offensive tools and as a means to escape challenging situations, and their mounted weapons can easily take down Spartans. Avoid letting vehicles sit idle on the battlefield or, even worse, allowing the opposing team to take control of them—leverage them to gain the upper hand.

Regardless of your skills as a driver or rider, any vehicle can serve as a valuable asset to swiftly navigate the battlefield, divert enemy focus, and instigate some disorder. You can even take vehicles to launch pads to send them soaring. When a Warthog, Mongoose, or Ghost engages a cluster of Spartans, it increases the likelihood of your ground-based allies eliminating them while the enemies are distracted by you. Just remember to avoid running over your teammates.

Keep an Eye Out for Price Reductions


On expansive outdoor maps, your AI partner might mention items descending from “the heavens,” a clever twist on a familiar alert regarding orbital weapon drops. This occurs when a small pod descends from the sky and lands on the battlefield. If you get close to one of these pods, you’ll discover a weapon inside—typically a very powerful one. Drop pods often contain high-tier weapons such as the S7 sniper rifle, the SPNKR rocket launcher, the Plasma Sword, or the Gravity Hammer. It’s wise to pursue these, as they can provide a significant advantage and are frequently overlooked by other players.

Alongside the pods, you’ll receive alerts regarding vehicle drops in a similar manner. When this occurs, a Pelican ship will hover above the battlefield, delivering a vehicle, typically in the middle of the map. As the match progresses, the supply in pods and vehicle drops tends to increase, so it’s crucial to seize control of these opportunities. Vehicle drops may feature powerful options like Banshees, Scorpion, and Wraith tanks, which can significantly alter the course of the game, particularly in the later stages.

Utilize Lightning Weapons to Disable Vehicles

On the other hand, when the adversary employs vehicles, particularly aerial ones, it’s crucial to address the threat immediately. A skillfully operated Banshee or Wasp can inflict significant damage on ground teams that fail to monitor the skies. While typical small firearms are generally ineffective against vehicles, you can often aim for the pilots or gunners. However, mid-tier and heavy weaponry can be very effective in taking them out.

The most effective weapons for quickly taking down vehicles are the electricity-based options: the Disruptor pistol and the Shock Rifle. A few rounds from the Disruptor can incapacitate vehicles like the Banshee or Wasp, causing them to plummet. Similarly, fully charged shots from the Shock Rifle can achieve the same result. If vehicles are causing you trouble, look for the lightning weapons, but remember that the Hydra, Skewer, Sentinel Beam, rocket launcher, sniper rifle, and Plasma grenade are also powerful choices. If a vehicle is proving to be a nuisance, fire at it, as every bit of damage contributes to the overall effort.

Tackle All Challenges

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If you watched the trailer for the Halo Infinite multiplayer reveal, you’re likely aware of the advantages the Grappleshot equipment offers. This tool provides you with a grappling hook that can be aimed at nearly any surface. If you come across one, be sure to take advantage of it. The Grappleshot can propel you to elevated spots that are ideal for sniping, and Halo Infinite features a more vertical layout than it may initially seem. Additionally, you can use it to retrieve weapons or items from the ground in front of you, enabling you to secure what you need while remaining in a safe position.

What’s even more exciting is that you can utilize the grapple against your foes. If you latch onto another Spartan, you’ll be propelled towards them, and your character will automatically perform a melee attack upon arrival (so there’s no need to time your hit). Additionally, you can grapple onto vehicles, automatically boarding them if they’re unoccupied, or hijacking them if they’re occupied. The grapple can be a handy tool to escape tricky situations or to swiftly engage in combat—it’s not solely for scaling surfaces.

Remain Under the Radar

Following the initial test flight of the game, 343 Studios decided to revert to the classic motion sensor mechanics of Halo. In this system, players become visible when they are moving, shooting, or sprinting, while remaining hidden when they are stationary or crouching. Exercising caution in revealing your position is crucial for ambushing enemies and eliminating them undetected, so it’s important to be strategic about when to sprint or confront foes. Additionally, using headphones or increasing the game volume can be beneficial, as the sound of approaching footsteps can alert you to nearby opponents.

In certain objective-based games, your presence may be indicated on the enemy team’s HUD, but there are ways to mitigate this. For instance, in Capture the Flag (CTF) or Stockpile, when an objective like a flag or seed is on the ground, it is visible to all players. However, once you pick it up, it will no longer be highlighted. Keep in mind that if you are sprinting while carrying an objective, you will still be visible to all opponents. Additionally, if you are shot while holding an objective, your position may be revealed, so it’s important to consider this. If you find yourself in a fight, it’s perfectly acceptable to drop the objective to engage your opponent, then retrieve it once the threat is neutralized, rather than risking an easy defeat.

Begin Securing an Area to Prevent Rivals from Scoring.

In Total Control matches, the objective for your squad is to seize and maintain three specific areas on the map. On larger maps, your team must secure all three locations simultaneously to earn a point. If you notice the opposing team attempting to take the third zone, it can create a sense of urgency. However, there is a tactical approach to consider. You can prevent the opposing team from scoring by initiating the capture of a zone on your own. Points are awarded only when a team controls all three zones without any opposition.

In such situations, it’s not always necessary to rush to the zone the opposing team is about to take. Instead, focus on one of the two zones they already control. If the opposing team is on the verge of scoring by capturing Point C, it’s likely that the majority of their players are already engaged there. This could leave Point A or Point B relatively or entirely unprotected. If you can access either of these locations without facing any resistance, you can initiate the capture process, thwarting their scoring opportunity. However, be cautious, as the opposing team can employ the same strategy against you. Therefore, it’s wise to keep some of your teammates stationed at each point, even after you’ve secured it, to establish a defensive presence.

Utilizing Discarded or Rechargeable Batteries for Efficient Stockpiling Techniques

You can sow additional power seeds on the Razorback to facilitate transporting multiple seeds to your base simultaneously.

The Stockpile multiplayer mode may be confusing for some players. It resembles Capture the Flag, but instead of just one flag, there are about nine “power seeds” available on the map at any time. To score, a team must successfully return five of these seeds to their base. These seeds, which look like small batteries, appear in the center of the map and are indicated on your HUD. In these matches, your objective is to collect seeds while preventing the other team from doing the same. However, when you pick up a seed, you are unable to engage in combat, similar to the mechanics of carrying the Oddball or a flag.

The positive aspect is that players can toss seeds, which is a highly effective tactic for teams to gather seeds and repeatedly launch them towards their base, instead of transporting them all the way. This approach allows for continuous movement of the seeds while still engaging in combat with any opponents. Additionally, using vehicles is a great way to transport seeds back to the base. Although you can’t drive while holding a seed, you can still carry one as a passenger, similar to a flag. With the Razorback, the unarmed variant of the Warthog, you can even attach two seeds to the back. This means that with players loading into the vehicle with seeds, you can transport up to four seeds back to the base in a single trip.

Modify the in-game chat options within the settings menu.


A frustrating limitation in Halo Infinite is the apparent lack of an option to mute specific teammates in the team chat. If a player forgets to turn off their microphone or a talkative group enters your quickplay match, you may end up feeling uncomfortable as you’re compelled to hear their conversations—or, just as often, the background noise from their gaming environment.

You have the option to mute specific players, although the process to do so may not be immediately obvious. To access this feature, open the social menu by pressing the Start button on your controller or the Escape key on your keyboard. From there, locate the list of players in your match, which will allow you to access their profiles and mute them individually. Additionally, you can disable team chat entirely by navigating to the Settings menu. Once in the Settings, scroll to the bottom of the Audio section. Here, you can turn off both voice and text chat in game lobbies and during matches, although this may not always work perfectly. However, by adjusting the Incoming Voice Chat Volume slider to 0, you can ensure you won’t hear any players during your matches.