If you’re just starting out with Phasmophobia or ghost hunting as a whole, this introductory guide will help you tackle your initial mission. You’ll discover the necessary equipment, understand the functions of the various tools in the van, and learn the correct methods for identifying different types of ghosts!
Table of Contents display
If you’re a fan of horror games and enjoy a chilling experience, Phasmophobia is likely on your radar. Developed by Kinetic Games, this indie title allows you to join forces with friends to hunt down ghosts. While the game is incredibly fun, one of its main downsides is the tutorial, which can be confusing and seem unhelpful. To help you get started on your ghost-hunting adventure, we’ve put together a beginner’s guide for Phasmophobia.
The Objective
This isn’t about ghost hunting like in Ghostbusters. Your mission involves exploring haunted locations and gathering proof while staying alive. The more proof you gather, the more you will earn in terms of money and experience. You can then spend your earnings on upgraded gear, enabling you to tackle even more challenges. As you advance, you will unlock tougher levels that provide greater rewards.
Prior to embarking on your mission, it’s essential to select your gear. Once you enter the lobby, you will encounter this visual.
This is the place to establish the mission.
Across from the computer, there is a whiteboard that provides details about the house, including the ghost’s name and whether it is drawn to individuals who are by themselves. Additionally, it outlines the optional goals for the mission.
The primary goal will consistently be to determine the kind of spirit present in the structure.
The remaining three objectives will be assigned at random and are mostly straightforward. Some tasks require specific equipment to be completed. That’s perfectly acceptable; you are not obligated to accomplish every single one. If you find yourself unable to continue, it’s advisable to exit. Keep in mind that if you perish, you will forfeit all your gear and earn less money. To exit a mission, simply press the numpad located by the van’s exit; the same numpad is used to access the van.
You can pick up the gear located on the shelves on the opposite side of the van. Keep in mind that you can only transport three items at once. Make sure to include your flashlight as one of your selections. To activate it, simply press ‘t’ on your keyboard. Luckily, Phasmophobia allows you to use your flashlight while you’re carrying another piece of gear.
In conclusion, we offer four displays that deliver essential information to you.
It’s essential to ensure that your mental well-being remains at a healthy level.
The monitor in the upper left corner displays the building’s layout. The key feature to note is the small green light, which indicates the position of the circuit breaker. In the event of a power outage, you will have to reset it manually.
The upper right corner indicates the sound levels within the house. This panel is the least beneficial.
The lower left corner displays the sanity levels of each player. Spending time in the dark and encountering supernatural occurrences causes your sanity to decrease. If your sanity reaches zero, the ghost will begin to act unpredictably. Therefore, it’s advisable to switch on the lights if you intend to stay in a room for an extended period.
The lower right corner displays the intensity of paranormal activity. When it reaches level 10, it indicates that the spirit is intent on causing harm to someone.
Commence the Pursuit!
Now it’s time to dive into the exciting part. Unlock the van by using the keypad and make your way to the building. If you forgot to pick up the key, you’ll need to return and collect it. Click on the door with your mouse, then pull it up or down to open it. The controls can be a bit quirky, so it might not be straightforward.
Upon entering the house, your initial goal will likely be to locate the spot where the ghost resides. I recommend utilizing either the EMF reader or the thermometer for this purpose. If the EMF reader registers a level of 2 or more, or if you notice a considerable drop in temperature, it indicates the ghost’s proximity. Now, it’s time to begin your investigation.
Here are six different kinds of evidence you can gather regarding the ghost.
Categories of Evidence
- EMF 5 – The EMF meter indicates a level 5 reading. Levels below 5 suggest the presence of a ghost, but they do not constitute conclusive proof.
- When ultraviolet light is applied, a handprint becomes visible.
- Freezing Temperature – When the thermometer shows a reading below zero. For instance, if it registers at 5 degrees, it indicates the presence of a ghost, although it does not serve as conclusive proof.
- Ghost Orbs – By positioning a video camera and utilizing the computer in the van, you can observe small luminous orbs drifting in the air. Night vision is required for this to function effectively.
- The spirit box allows you to listen to the voice of the ghost.
- You close the Ghost Writing Book only to discover new text appearing on its pages.
There’s nothing inappropriate about utilizing a cheat sheet.
Phasmophobia features a total of 12 different ghost varieties.
Spectral Categories
- Spirit
- Wraith
- Phantom
- Poltergeist
- Banshee
- Jinn
- Mare
- Revenant
- Shade
- Demon
- Yurei
- Oni
Every ghost will display three out of the six types of evidence mentioned earlier. Each ghost possesses a distinct combination. Therefore, once you gather three pieces of evidence, you will be able to identify the specific ghost you are encountering.
For instance, a Phantom can achieve a level 5 reading on the EMF, exhibit freezing temperatures, and display ghost orbs.
Upon finding evidence, it’s essential to document it in your journal. Find a secure location and press the ‘j’ key. Navigate to the last page and record the evidence. After collecting all three pieces, the sole choice under “Ghost Type” will reveal the answer.
To accumulate points, you need to have the chosen type recorded in your journal.
In order to earn points, you need to choose the right ghost.
To summon a ghost for a photograph (which guarantees a monetary reward), you can achieve this by repeatedly mentioning their name. The game utilizes your microphone, allowing the spirits to hear your words. However, exercise caution, as provoking them too much could lead to an attack.
What actions to take when the pursuer turns into the pursued.
If this role were simple, anyone could take it on. Unfortunately, it is a highly perilous occupation. In Phasmophobia, the spirits are far from welcoming. Provoking them can lead to an attack, a phenomenon we refer to as ‘hunting.’
A clear indication that someone is tracking you is when the lights begin to flicker and you might hear unusual sounds. Once you notice this, it’s crucial to flee and find a place to conceal yourself. The exits will automatically lock (I discovered this the hard way).
While you’re running, switch off your flashlight and remain silent. When you’ve reached a secure distance, look for a closet or, at the very least, a corner to hide in. Stay there for approximately 30 seconds, then turn your flashlight back on. If the light remains steady, you’re safe… for the moment.
If the apparitions catch you, it’s game over, and you’ll spend the remainder of the round observing your companions from the afterlife. While you won’t be able to engage with them, you can trail them and listen to their conversations.
Greetings from the alternate realm!
Well done! You’re now equipped with the knowledge to embark on your initial hunt. While there are numerous little tips to discover as you engage with the game, this information is sufficient to get you started. If you haven’t purchased Phasmophobia yet but are intrigued, you can find it on Steam. If it feels a bit overwhelming, consider exploring the selection of horror games available on Xbox Game Pass.
Wishing everyone a successful search!
From the moment my older brothers dominated me in games on the N64, I developed a passion for gaming. I have two aspirations in life: to build a career in the gaming industry and to successfully execute a Kamehameha Wave. I’m uncertain which of these dreams is more attainable.