This piece was collaboratively written by Travis Boylls, a staff writer at wikiHow. Travis serves as a Technology Writer and Editor for the platform, bringing a wealth of experience in crafting articles focused on technology, offering software customer support, and engaging in graphic design. His expertise spans across various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, and Linux. Travis pursued graphic design studies at Pikes Peak Community College.

This article includes a total of 8 references, which are listed at the end of the page.

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Among Us is a thrilling murder-mystery game available on iOS, Android, PC, and Nintendo Switch, where participants assume one of two roles: the Impostor(s), whose objective is to eliminate all players, and the Crewmates, who must repair the ship and identify the Impostor(s) to vote them out. Beyond the main roles, there are four specialized roles, each with distinct abilities: the Engineer, Scientist, Guardian Angel, and Shapeshifter. This guide will provide you with the essentials on how to play Among Us.

Section One of Five:

Participating in a Game

  • Launch the online marketplace for your platform.
  • Utilize the search feature to look up “Among Us.”
  • Select the Among Us icon by clicking or tapping on it.
  • Select the option to either download or buy the game.
  • Select the option to begin the game installation.

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Launch Among Us by selecting the icon featuring a red crewmate in a spacesuit. Simply click or tap the icon to start the game. On the Nintendo Switch, the icon displays several crewmates in various colored suits.


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  • Local: Choose this option if you wish to play alongside friends who are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
  • Online: Choose this option to engage in gameplay with random opponents via the internet.

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  • If you have the room code, you can join a private game by tapping “Enter code” located beneath “Private” and inputting the code.
  • If you lose your connection during a game, you can simply click the arrow beneath the Private option to swiftly rejoin without needing to input a code.
  • As another option, you can choose “Create Game” from the “Host” menu to set up your own game. You’ll need to choose the game map, the number of imposters, the chat language, and the maximum player count. After that, you can adjust the game settings using the computer located in the lobby. It’s advisable to familiarize yourself with the game mechanics before launching your own session.

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  • The Skeld: This is the initial map in Among Us, making it an ideal choice for newcomers. It features a spacious spaceship layout, complete with numerous vents for impostors to use for their getaway. Additionally, there are security cameras that can be monitored from the security room.
  • Mira HQ is a compact map featuring a comprehensive vent network that covers the entire area, providing impostors with numerous chances to navigate the space and intercept other players. Additionally, it includes a decontamination area that hinders the movement of crewmates.
  • Polus features an expansive layout that includes two decontamination zones and an extensive camera system that monitors a wide portion of the area. It is more suited for players with a higher level of experience.
  • Airship: This map presents a perplexing layout with its distinctive design. It lacks visual cues, enabling crewmates to cast votes randomly if necessary. New transportation options are introduced, including a platform and three ladders. For the first time, players can view their own character on the security cameras. The security system operates similarly to that on Polus. Additionally, there are several locations to address light sabotage, significantly reducing the time an impostor has to escape. Crewmates should be cautious, as impostors are likely to pursue on this map. Only the most skilled players should attempt to navigate this challenging environment.

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Choose the quantity of impostors for the game. You can opt for 1 to 3 impostors. To set your desired number, simply tap the number next to “Impostors” located at the top of the screen. If you have no specific preference, you can select “Any.”

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Choose your preferred chat language. Utilize the drop-down menu adjacent to “Chat” to pick the main language for the in-game communication.

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  • After entering a game, you’ll have to stay in the lobby until a sufficient number of players have joined to begin the match.
  • At the beginning of the game, each participant will be randomly designated a role, which could be a crewmate, an impostor, or a specialized role. The specialized roles consist of the Scientist and Engineer for the crewmates, while the impostors have the Shapeshifter role.
  • Sus stands for suspicious.
  • Team = teammate
  • Impostor is abbreviated as Imp.
  • Ss stands for shapeshifter.
  • Eng stands for engineer.
  • Elec stands for electrical.
  • A player is likely not the impostor if others report having witnessed them perform a scan. However, it’s important to remember that this doesn’t guarantee that the player is a crewmate, as the individual providing the alibi might actually be the impostor.
  • Self report refers to an individual asserting that they have committed a murder and subsequently notified authorities about the deceased.
  • Crewpostor is a pejorative term used to describe a poor crewmate, suggesting that they are almost acting in favor of the impostors. It is less frequently applied to a subpar impostor.
  • Gg stands for “good game,” a phrase frequently used in multiplayer gaming contexts, not limited to Among Us.
  • Visual tasks are activities that are impossible to fake, as they are observable by other players, while impostors are unable to perform tasks. Examples of visual tasks are Submit Scan, Clear Asteroids, and Empty Trash. It’s important to note that in some games, the “visuals off” setting means that only the player completing the task can see the visual effects.

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Taking on the role of a Crewmate

Step 1 Grasp the responsibilities of a crewmate.

  • In the event of an emergency meeting, the crew members can cast their votes to identify the suspected imposter. The individual with the highest number of votes will be removed from the ship. The crew secures victory if they successfully eject all imposters or finish all their tasks. Conversely, if the imposter(s) eliminate enough crew members to match their own number, the imposters claim victory.

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  • Make an effort to remain with a team. This can lessen the likelihood of others suspecting you as the impostor and is particularly beneficial for tasks that require visual confirmation (such as scanning, clearing asteroids, and emptying the trash on the Skeld), as your teammates will witness you completing these actions.

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Check the upper section of the screen for your assigned tasks. When the game begins, you’ll find your tasks displayed in the top left corner. The total number of tasks may differ based on the selection made by the game host.

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  • Certain assignments consist of several components. Yellow arrows displayed on the screen or yellow exclamation points on the map show the directions needed to finish the tasks.
  • When visual tasks are activated, specific tasks will show an animation visible to other players, such as the Medbay scan, shooting asteroids, or emptying trash in the Skeld storage area. Complete these tasks in the presence of other players to demonstrate that you are not the imposter, as imposters are unable to perform tasks.
  • When Task Bar Updates are configured to Always, the progress bar in the upper right corner will gradually fill up as tasks are finished. It’s important to note that some tasks, such as repairing wires, aligning engines, and uploading data, consist of several components and will only reflect progress in the bar once the final part is completed.

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  • Be mindful of individuals in the vicinity of a location where a body is discovered. For instance, if you notice a blue character exiting the electrical room and you enter to find a body, mention that in the chat.
  • If you find yourself close to a body and fail to report it, but another person arrives and does report it, you might find yourself facing accusations of being the impostor. This highlights the necessity of reporting a body immediately upon discovery.

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  • Refrain from initiating emergency meetings over trivial matters, like unfounded accusations of someone being the impostor or topics that have nothing to do with the game. Doing so may lead to your elimination or being removed from the game.
  • If you see someone committing a murder or utilizing a vent, make sure to report it immediately in the chat, since only impostors have the ability to kill. The only individuals allowed to access vents are impostors and engineers.

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  • To make communication easier, players often refer to one another by their colors. Listen for phrases from fellow crewmates such as “It’s red,” “I witnessed black make a kill,” “I saw lime use the vent,” or “Pink seems suspicious,” but remember that the impostor could be deceiving you.

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To engage in conversation, utilize the text box located at the bottom. Simply tap on the text box and type your message using the on-screen keyboard. Once you’re ready, click the triangular icon on the right to send your message in the chat.

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  • After all participants have cast their votes or the designated time has elapsed, the votes will be counted. The individual with the highest number of votes will be removed from the game.
  • When receiving reports, inquire about the location of the body and the activities of individuals present at that moment. Take note of everyone’s statements and highlight any details that appear questionable.
  • Depending on the configuration, players might receive information about whether the ejected individual was truly an impostor or not.
  • Observe the voting behavior of individuals and the timing of their votes. Certain Impostors tend to watch the voting trends before casting their own votes.

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  • The map does not reveal the identities of the players, nor does it display players located in the corridors.
  • If a light goes out in a room and then suddenly reappears in a different location, it indicates that the individual is expressing their emotions.
  • When a light flickers briefly in a room occupied by two or more individuals, it often indicates that a crewmate has just been eliminated. Typically, the lights flicker at a slower pace during regular player movement.

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  • Some sensors can only be activated in a particular sequence. For instance, if a player activates the top sensor first, followed by the left sensor, and then the right sensor, it indicates they are definitely an impostor, as this sequence can only be achieved by using the vents (meaning players are required to pass through the same sensor when leaving a location).

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  • If you witness a death on Vitals and a report follows right away, it is highly probable that it is a self-report.
  • Players are arranged from left to right based on the sequence in which they entered the lobby. This arrangement can be utilized in conjunction with the ‘Insert Keys’ task to verify the truthfulness of the Impostor if they are questioned about their key number.
  • Researchers can monitor the health status of their teammates at any point throughout the game.

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  • Skeld is equipped with four cameras positioned in key locations: one is located outside Navigation in the upper left corner, another is outside Admin in the upper right corner, a third is positioned outside Medbay in the lower left corner, and the fourth is outside Security and Reactor in the lower right corner.
  • Polus is equipped with six cameras: three positioned outside the Office (to the East, South, and Central), one near the rocket (to the Northeast), one located outside the Boiler (to the Southwest), and one situated between Electrical and the Dropship (to the Northwest).
  • On Skeld, you have the ability to monitor all cameras simultaneously, whereas on Polus, you need to toggle between them, reminiscent of the Five Nights at Freddy’s gameplay.
  • A red indicator activates whenever the camera is in use, allowing you to trick possible Impostors by toggling it on and off. If they take the bait, you can initiate an emergency meeting to expose them.

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  • The initial crewmate who meets their demise takes on the role of Guardian Angel. This role grants them the power to shield fellow crewmates from the imposter’s attacks.
  • During emergency meetings, players are prohibited from voting or communicating with those who are still in the game, as this would create an imbalance in the gameplay.
  • You can communicate with other spirits without needing to wait for an emergency gathering.
  • All crew members, whether living or deceased, need to finish their assignments to achieve victory.

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Achieve victory in the game. The crewmates can secure a win by eliminating all the impostors through voting or by completing all their assigned tasks.AdvertisementSection 3 of 5:

Assuming the role of a Saboteur

Step 1: Recognize the function of imposters.

  • Disrupting the map enables you to lay traps, lure crewmates away from corpses, or initiate severe malfunctions that can eliminate crewmates if not fixed promptly. If the imposter manages to take out enough crewmates to equal their numbers, the imposter secures victory.

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  • The pace of walking will change based on the game settings chosen by the host.

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  • Certain tasks must be executed in a specific sequence, like Download/Upload (with Download occurring first) or disposing of trash on Skeld (starting in the Cafeteria, followed by Storage). If you need clarification, refer to the Among Us Wiki for detailed information on tasks.
  • Refrain from attempting to simulate visual tasks, even if the setting is turned to “off.” Not only is there a chance that others might notice the animation is not running (if it’s set to “on”), but fellow crewmates assigned the same task might try to complete it while you’re pretending, a scenario that would not occur if you were genuinely a crewmate.
  • Make an effort to remain with a group. This can help minimize any doubts, as there will be individuals who can confirm your presence.

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  • Avoid being spotted by your fellow crewmates when you enter or exit a vent. If they catch you, they will quickly think you are the imposter, as only imposters and engineers are able to navigate through the vents. It’s best to wait until all players have vacated the room before you make your exit from a vent.
  • If you find yourself spotted, attempt to hinder them by securing doors (on Skeld and Polus) or by executing essential sabotages, and then eliminate them before you are exposed.

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  • The various forms of sabotage you can carry out include:
  • Locking doors (indicated by an X symbol): This feature is available exclusively on Skeld, Polus, and Airship. On Skeld, doors will automatically reopen after a short period, whereas on Polus and Airship, they need to be manually unlocked again.
  • Cut the Lights (Lightning symbol): This action temporarily disorients crewmates by reducing their field of view to a narrow circle surrounding their character. To restore visibility, players need to head to a control panel located in Electrical (on Skeld and Polus), the Office (on Mira HQ), or the Gap Room in the Airship, and toggle the switches until all the green lights are activated.
  • Disable Communications/Comms (Wi-Fi icon): This action conceals the tasks of crewmates, the task progress bar, and restricts access to the Admin Table, Cameras (available only on Skeld, Airship, and Polus), Door Logs (specific to Mira HQ; it clears existing logs and stops new ones from being recorded), and the Vitals Monitor (exclusive to Polus). On Skeld, Polus, and Airship, the issue is resolved by adjusting a dial until the frequency displayed resembles a sine wave, whereas on Mira HQ, it is corrected by inputting a 5-digit passcode in both the Office and Communications areas (the passcode changes every 10 seconds).
  • Oxygen depletion (O2symbol; Skeld & Mira HQ exclusively): This is a vital act of sabotage that compels the crewmates to resolve the issue within a specified timeframe (30 seconds on Skeld, 45 seconds on Mira HQ), or face defeat. To resolve the sabotage, players need to input a 5-digit code at two different locations (O2and Administrator in Skeld, Greenhouse, and Hallway at Mira HQ.
  • Reactor Meltdown (Skeld & Mira HQ) / Reset Seismic Stabilizers (Polus; Radiation symbol): This is a vital act of sabotage that compels crewmates to resolve the issue before the timer runs out (30 seconds on Skeld, 45 seconds on Mira HQ, 60 seconds on Polus), or face defeat. To resolve the situation, two crewmates need to simultaneously touch two distinct scanners found in the reactor room (Skeld & Mira HQ) or in the upper left and central areas of the Polus map.
  • You are unable to perform sabotage actions when you are inside vents or when utilizing systems like the Admin table or Security Cameras.

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  • Based on the configurations set by the host, there will be a cooldown duration of 10 to 60 seconds following the elimination of a crewmate. You will be unable to eliminate another crewmate until this cooldown has elapsed.
  • Your kill cooldown pauses when you are inside a vent, observing the emergency button, interacting with systems like the Admin table, or addressing sabotages.
  • The range for killing is influenced by the host’s configurations and can vary from short to long distances.
  • Refrain from committing murders in the presence of your teammates. If you are caught in the act of killing, leaving a room where a corpse is located, or are discovered near a body that you failed to report, you will likely be accused and subsequently ejected from the game.

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  • Always be prepared with an explanation to protect yourself if you find yourself facing accusations. This could involve having another player’s account to support you or claiming you were in a distant location from where the incident occurred.
  • Avoid attempting to accuse crewmates who have already been exonerated, as it will only cast doubt on your own credibility.
  • Avoid asserting that you were in a room where other players were present, as they may expose your deception.
  • If another Impostor (identified by their names in red) is accused, be ready to cast your vote to eliminate them if needed. Choosing to vote for someone else despite clear evidence against another Impostor will only raise suspicion about your own actions.

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  • Refrain from executing significant sabotage actions when players are close to the repair site, as they are likely to fix it more quickly, resulting in a reduced chance for you to capitalize on the situation.

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  • Avoid employing the aforementioned tactic and then, right after removing someone, disrupt the communications. This will raise a lot of suspicion about your actions.

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  • Key numbers are allocated based on the sequence in which players entered, starting from the top and moving downwards, with the left column being prioritized. In the Vitals section, players are arranged from left to right in the order of their lobby entry.
  • You can check the vitals through the cameras, so if you plan to eliminate someone, it’s best to disrupt the communications first.

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  • The cameras will flash a red light when they are active.
  • If a single player is operating the camera, secure the doors (Security in Skeld, Electrical on Polus) and then execute a kill through the vent.
  • Committing a murder in front of cameras on Polus poses a reduced risk since only a single camera can be monitored at once. Nevertheless, it is still not recommended.
  • Exercise caution with cameras that frequently switch on and off (beyond the usual blinking). It’s probable that the individual on the other end is attempting to provoke you into exposing your identity.

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Keep participating in the game as a ghost. Being eliminated doesn’t mean the game is over; you can still interfere to assist your remaining impostor(s) in securing a victory as long as at least one of you is still in the game.

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Achieve victory in the game. The impostors succeed if the crewmates are unable to resolve a crucial sabotage before the time runs out, or if the impostors outnumber the crewmates, whether through elimination, voting, or if crewmates exit the game.

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Engaging in the role of a Specialist

Step 1: Ensure you have the most recent version of the game installed.

  • Launch the online marketplace for your platform.
  • Utilize the search feature to look up “Among Us.”
  • Select the Update option next to the Among Us icon to download the latest version.

Step 2 Begin or participate in a fresh game of Among Us.

Initiate or participate in a fresh session of Among Us. Similar to the traditional roles of crewmate and imposter, the new specialist roles are