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Smoking nicotine via e-cigarettes It's becoming an increasingly common practice. More than 8.1 million American adults now use e-cigarettes, more commonly known as vaping, according to a recent survey. But while e-cigarettes are common among adults in the United States, they can have a direct impact on life insurance premiums and can even lead to coverage denials. is based primarily on age, overall health, habits and lifestyle choices, and includes all forms of nicotine use. is one of the red flags of

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Please select your age Compensation Compensation What you need depends on a number of factors, including your age, income, mortgage or other debts, and anticipated funeral expenses. Information Caret DownCaret Up

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<Whole life insurance combines life insurance and investment components.

  • Whole life insurance
  • Deferred tax deductions when premiums are paid
  • Three variations of whole life insurance: whole life insurance, universal life insurance and variable life insurance include an investment component

<Term life insurance is exactly what the name suggests, a policy valid for a specific period of time.

  • Term premiums
  • No savings benefits
  • If the policy period expires or the policy is canceled, the premium will be refunded

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This advertising widget is provided by, a licensed insurance company (NPN: 8781838) and a Bankrate affiliate. LLC services are available only in licensed states and insurance coverage may not be available in all states. All insurance products are governed by the terms and conditions of the applicable policy and all related decisions (coverage, premiums, fees, rate approval, etc.) and policy obligations are the sole responsibility of the underwriting insurance company. . The information on this site does not change the terms and conditions of the insurance contract.

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Vaping can be harmful to health, and many insurance companies refuse to insure e-cigarette users because of nicotine's harmful physical effects and possible complications. If you smoke e-cigarettes, how do e-cigarettes affect your life insurance premiums, how does it affect your health, and what is affordable for e-cigarette smokers?

Impact of e-cigarettes on life Insurance rates

Vape users are asked how Vape will impact their life insurance rates before applying for a policy. you need to know how it affects One of the main effects of vaping is that life insurers are more likely to charge smokers significantly higher premium rates than non-smokers. This means that even if you are in good general health and have no pre-existing medical conditions or family history, you could be paying a very high premium just because you smoke an e-cigarette.

So if you smoke tobacco or marijuana, you may be classified as a smoker by your life insurance company, even if you only smoke occasionally. Smoking rates also vary widely depending on company policies and other factors. In general, the best way to determine the percentage of smokers and nonsmokers in a given situation is to fill out a life insurance application and be honest about your e-cigarettes and smoking habits. The life insurance company will then determine the rate that applies to your situation.

Can I be denied life insurance because I smoked vapes?

In some cases, smoking e-cigarettes may prevent you from getting life insurance. It depends on the policy of the insurance company and other factors. In general, most insurance companies believe that smoking nicotine products via e-cigarettes will place your life insurance policy in the high-risk category, which can result in higher premiums. However, this may not give you the most competitive rate.Also, failure to disclose the fact that you smoke e-cigarettes could result in your insurance company withholding your death benefit if you die. may occur.

E-cigarettes are healthy

Vaping has been dubbed a health epidemic, and young people aren't the only ones picking up this unhealthy habit. and reported 2,807 hospitalizations and deaths from e-cigarette lung injury. The ages of the deceased individuals ranged from He was 15 to He was 75.

Not only do e-cigarettes have a serious impact on health, but potential health complications can directly affect life insurance premiums. , are some of the greatest health risks associated with vaping and tobacco use.

Heart Disease

Studies show that e-cigarettes can lead to heart disease. One study found that an adult who used e-cigarettes was 56% more likely to have a heart attack than a nonsmoker, and had a higher risk of developing coronary artery disease. Daily e-cigarette smokers had the highest incidence of heart disease compared to occasional smokers.

Heart disease is one of the factors that life insurers consider when underwriting policies. This is because cardiovascular problems can shorten a person's life. Insurance companies often increase an applicant's premium to cover potential payouts in the event of early death.


When we think about the risks of smoking, cancer is the first thing that comes to mind. The risk of certain cancers is increased not only because e-cigarettes contain tobacco, but also because of the chemicals in some e-cigarette oils. We found a strong correlation with lung cancer in mice.

Insurers know that nicotine users are more likely to develop cancer, and this affects life insurance premiums for ark smokers. .People with cancer or a history of cancer may also struggle to get life insurance approved because of the health risks.

Life Insurance Classification

Most life insurance companies use a health-based classification system to price individual policies. The lower the rating, the higher the premium. The full rating table and descriptions of each category are below:

Life Insurance Classification Meaning
Priority Plus The Preferred Plus category is for the healthiest individuals with no pre-existing medical conditions or family history.
Recommended Recommended category is for non-smokers
Standard Plus The Standard Plus category is for people with mild health problems or who are considered overweight.
Standard Standard category is
Preferred Smokers Preferred Smokers category It is intended for people who currently smoke or have recently quit, but are otherwise in good health and have little or no family history of illness.
Standard Smoker The Standard Smoker category is for active smokers Smokers who are considered to be in average health and may have some minor ailments.
Table rating People with poor health , often fall into the high-risk category where premiums are calculated using a table rating system.

As mentioned earlier, e-cigarette smokers usually fall into the category of preferred smokers or standard smokers, with a significant impact on smokers. may give cost of their life insurance. Additionally, people who vape and suffer from other health problems, such as heart disease, are most likely to find themselves in table rating categories with even higher premiums.

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Vapor's Life Insurance

When purchasing life insurance, you may want to hide your e-cigarette habits to keep your premiums low. However, being dishonest in your life insurance application can lead to other insurance-related problems. A doctor can detect nicotine in your body during a physical examination. Additionally, if your insurance company discovers that you smoke e-cigarettes and you didn't include that information on your application, in the event of your death, the insurance company will pay your death benefit. We reserve the right to withhold.

Because of the long-term effects of e-cigarettes, many life insurers classify nonsmokers and smokers into the same category and lead to an increase in smoking prevalence. However, there are ways to save on life insurance premiums, such as:

  • No Smoking: When you stop smoking e-cigarettes, you may eventually be removed from the smoker category and pay less. Life insurers typically consider you a nonsmoker 12 months after you quit smoking.
  • Improved overall health:If you are in the high-risk category and are currently using e-cigarettes, consider moving to a better category to improve your overall health. It can mean managing your condition, taking prescribed medications, losing weight if your BMI is high, and so on.
  • Switch careers: If you are paying too much for life insurance, consider switching to a different insurer. Also, consider finding an insurance company that assigns different rates to smokers and non-smokers.


    • What is the best life insurance for e-cigarette smokers?

      The best life insurance for vapers varies from person to person. All life insurers have different policy pricing and have their own way of categorizing vapor. Regardless of health or lifestyle, some of the best life insurers have high customer satisfaction and financial strength.

    • Do I have to disclose e-cigarettes in my life insurance application?

      Yes, e-cigarettes and other health conditions disclosed on life insurance applications It is important to Insurance companies usually assess your health through a comprehensive medical examination. This medical examination will be used in part to verify the information provided on your application. Lying on a life insurance application can have consequences and even deny coverage.

    • Can I get life insurance without a physical?

      Yes . If you think you won't be able to pass a traditional medical examination, you can opt for guaranteed life insurance. There is no medical examination in the warranty issuance policy. Instead, they may have health questionnaires so that almost everyone can get insurance, regardless of their health status. Note that guaranteed issue policies are typically very expensive and have limited coverage.

    • How much life insurance do you need?

      General rule of thumb As an insurance expert, I recommend purchasing enough life insurance to support your family financially even if you have no income. An easy way to determine if you need life insurance is to use our online coverage calculator.