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Winter is a beautiful season with snow and cool temperatures. It can also bring cold and winter storms that can damage your home. Whether it's ice, snow, freezing temperatures, or other issues, the costs associated with winter weather damage to your home are staggering. So, preparing your home for winter weather is essential if you want to protect your home and family from potential winter weather damage and related repairs.

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To help you get started, Bankrate has put together a comprehensive guide to nine easy steps to getting your home ready for the winter season. These tips cover everything from inspecting your roof to reversing fan direction to replacing your carbon monoxide detector battery. By following these simple steps, winter storm damage to your home can be reduced or avoided altogether, making you better prepared for whatever winter weather strikes.

How to prepare your home for winter weather

The thought of preparing your home for winter can be overwhelming, but it shouldn't be. There are some simple steps you can take in your spare time or on weekends to prepare your home for winter weather. These steps include:

1. Clean drains

Gutters should be cleaned seasonally, but just before winter. may be the most important time. If your area gets a lot of snow, your home will have to bear that extra weight. If the gutters are overloaded, they can end up being pulled from the house.

But perhaps the most important reason is that if you don't clean your gutters, the problem can cause water damage to your home. in winter weather. If the snow and ice melt overnight and refreeze, the damage can run into the thousands of dollars.

2. Make sure the water goes somewhere when it melts, and keep it far enough away from your home.

2. Re-caul windows and doors

Re-caul windows and doors annually to prevent water damage and heat loss. Caulking guns and exterior caulking are relatively inexpensive and can usually be completed in a few hours.

For clarity, caulking should only be done around the perimeter of window and door moldings. Use an external silicone caulk as it is less susceptible to temperature extremes. This means it will not shrink or expand as the seasons change.

To caulk windows and doors, use a caulking gun to cut the outer caulking tube at a small angle (most caulking guns have internal blades for this). Insert the tube into the gun and turn the handle until the circular pad is pressed firmly against the tube. When enough force is applied, the caulk should begin to come out of the cut hole. Next, apply a fine line of caulk to the window and door moldings in your home. Using a latex-gloved finger, lightly press and spread the caulk until smooth, filling any small cracks or crevices.

3. Get Your Roof Inspected

This step is one of the most important steps in preparing your home for winter. If you can't reach the roof of your home, you can have a contractor inspect it for loose or damaged shingles.

The contractor you hired to do the inspection should also be able to do minor repairs in the afternoon (shingles replacement is usually a quick process). Leaving it all winter can lead to even more repair bills later.

Winter storms, including heavy rains, especially hail, are notorious. It is important to repair the damage before your roof is subjected to its most severe test: snow accumulation.

4.Turn the ceiling fan over

As most people learn in school, warm air rises. Reversing the direction of each fan creates an updraft that pushes the heated air down against the ceiling of the room.By circulating warm air, heat can be used more efficiently. , can reduce energy costs. Even if you don't have a room with high ceilings, it's a good idea to reverse the fan direction as soon as the weather changes.

To reverse the direction of the fan, make sure the fan is off, then flip the switch above the blade. If you're controlling the fan with a remote, the remote will give you the option to reverse the direction of the fan.

5. Chimney inspection

If you have a fireplace, inspect and clean the chimney before each burning season, even if wood is not your primary source of heat and the fireplace is used for aesthetic purposes only.

Burning wood can cause creosote deposits to build up inside the chimney.Creosote is carcinogenic and highly flammable. If enough of it builds up in the chimney, the smoke from the fire will ignite and cause a chimney fire. By inspecting your chimney, you can protect your family and home from fire hazards.

If you want to go one step further, consider installing a steel liner to help protect your home in the event of a chimney outbreak.

6. Drain the fuel from your small gasoline engine

Gasoline doesn't last forever. In fact, it breaks down quickly. If this happens on a small engine (such as a lawn mower or weeder) it can cause the engine carburetor to gunk up and you may not be able to restart the engine when the winter is over.

To prevent this, add a fuel stabilizer or use it one last time in late summer or early fall to let the machine run until the power goes off, burning all the gas. Doing this will help your machine last longer and start easier in the spring.

7. Adjust your home system

The cold season is the best time for your heating system. Whether gas or electric, having a technician clean and tune your furnace will help your system run more efficiently during the winter months.Also, change your smoke detector batteries annually. need to do it. The winter season is suitable for this time of year.

Additionally, if you have a carbon monoxide detector, replace the batteries and test if it is possible with your model. Carbon monoxide is colorless, odorless and highly dangerous, so a functioning detector is key to winter safety. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), carbon monoxide poisoning peaks in winter.

8. Cut Back Tree Branches

Winter snow is heavy, and during ice storms, even healthy tree branches are at risk of breaking under the weight. Cutting off branches that overhang your home can help prevent damage to your roof if the branches break. Ice-covered branches are heavy and can damage roofs and can even fall and damage the interior of your home. A doctor can inspect your tree and make any necessary adjustments to keep your home safe.

9. Check your insurance coverage

Usually, the season just before winter is a good time to check with your home insurance company and check your coverage. am. If you've recently made renovations that could add value to your home, make sure the added value is covered by insurance in case something happens during the season. You can also find out how insurance covers potential winter damage, such as ice dams, fires, and tree branch damage. Different types of home insurance cover different losses. Understanding how insurance covers damages before they occur can help spot potential gaps in coverage.

By taking time to prepare your home for winter, you can reduce the damage to your home from winter storms. Or it can help avoid damage altogether. Once you've winterized your home, you may be ready to weather the winter.